KEE to Success

It’s been said luck follows speed. Very early on in my career it was this luck that put me in the company of quite a few old pros. I’m talking wise ones well into their sixties and beyond. Howard was one these experienced pros. As we traveled through the midwest he shared with me his KEE’s to success and I’ve never forgotten it. K is for knowledge, E is for enthusiasm and E for empathy. He said you can have the first two and still not  reach your full potential. The critical attribute is empathy. One definition is “the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.” That’s why I strive to identify with the client’s needs, wants and desires in my digital marketing business. From this understanding I can reach their customers.

A moment ago I was curious to see what results would come from an online search for “empathy for success.” I was pleasantly surprised to see the first result on page 1 for a blog post “Empathy as a key to business success.”  The author suggests learning to walk in other people’s shoes. I think Howard would agree.



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Kirk Robinson is a producer, videographer, writer, and editor of digital video content. Kirk is also a listener. He’s a veteran of imbedding in organizations to help forge a stronger brand-consumer relationship and drive sales growth with effective, consistent marketing communications through digital video and the written word. Kirk works with corporate, sports and entertainment clients as well as advertising agencies to engage the consumer. He’s been on assignment with hundreds of entities in 36 countries from Europe, Africa and the Middle East to the land down under and across all Americas. Kirk has created and produced over 1300 productions in 22 languages. He has numerous web property mappings to his credit. He’s also produced live shows for business, entertainment and sports events.